Monday, July 03, 2006

Honey For Christ, "The Darkest Pinnacle Of Light"

Style: Heavy Metal
Label: Rundown Records
Total playing time: 26:24
Web site:


1 Satan & Swastika
2 The Final Transition
3 The Darkest Pinnacle Of Light
4 Sorrow Descending

5 Signs Of Bitterness

Believe it or not, Honey For Christ have came out with their strongest material to date. Formed in 1998 this Northern Irish trio have released a bunch of demos but The Darkest Pinnacle Of Light it’s without any doubt their best one. First of all: praise should be given to HFC for producing these tracks by themselves and coming out with a thundering and polished sound, even if the final mix could be better. Anyway actual musicianship it’s impressive and that’s the only thing I care for. More aggressive than the previous demo (Forging Iron Will) The Darkest Pinnacle Of Light, Honey For Christ continue - thanks God, or maybe Satan, hihi! - to escape any standard classification. These Irish dudes are a powerful metal band, that’s it. The blasting Satan & Swastika and the bloody title track take a total all-guns-blazing drums assault with some perfect timing riffs and a bit of clean vocals which show some well appreciated pieces of originality. The Final Transition it’s more mid paced and surely it’s one the most well arranged track of this EP. “Sorrow Descending” it’s a very challenging song, kinda of Katatonia-meets-Moonspell type of magnetic ballad. Signs Of Bitterness it’s darkish too, not so straightforward but with a strong section which will blow your head away. In conclusion: a band that doesn’t fear to experiment and cross the heavy sub-genres. Honey For Christ cannot be considered a promise only, but one of the best Emerald island current bands. Give them a chance instead of listening to copycats clones or fake make-up-only clowns.


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